Woke Up Ugly Again This Is Bullshit

Please cull whatsoever Democrat leader or leaders and ask yourself how yous recall they feel about America. Is America truly a 'basket of deplorables' equally was so stated past Hillary Clinton?

Why do Democrats expect down their noses at America? What has America always done to Democrats that deserve their total disdain?

Quickly run through your mental database of America'south more notorious millionaires and billionaires. Yep, all Democrats, right?

Unfortunately, most of these wealthy elites didn't earn their money the erstwhile mode way but instead was part of the Democrat cabal of crony capitalism.

The Democrat mindset about America is taxpayers piece of work for them and information technology's their duty to spend taxpayer money to simply compliment the Democrat Political party'southward goals and objectives.

As Nancy Pelosi just said, Democrats practice what is Patriotic when they spend millions to remove a duly elected President. Yes, for certain Democrats are prolific liars and schemers.

Democrats wouldn't get more than 5 votes from among its members to pledge support for the US Constitution, Usa Armed forces, or citizen rights! If it's a vote on destroying the The states Constitution, then they will become 100%.

The astonishing affair about America is in one case a new sheriff, Donald J. Trump, moved into DC, the Democrats have been forced to display their agree cards.

You see, this new sheriff doesn't play dirty politics, won't hide his agendas, won't go into the back rooms to dissever taxpayer money, and won't support anti-American activities.

About importantly, the Democrat Party's anti-American schemes are being exposed and fought to a caste never imagined.

Who would have ever believed the Democrat machine wouldn't be able to smear, besmirch, malign, and destroy a Republican? This sort of failure is simply not acceptable to Democrats, right?

Destroying people is what Democrats do all-time! Being a member of the Democrat Party means checking one's ideals at the door because politics to them is a full blood sport!

Considering America was founded upon Judeo-Christian values, almost Americans understand there is always a higher ability involved in everything we do or say.

Equally of August, Democrats falsely believed that by boot God out of their Political party would mean costless reign on their actions without consequences. They would finally be able to do any and neat Americans into thinking and assertive their rulership was better than God's.

After all, those 'stinky' sometime 10 Commandments would no longer interfere with their plans with God missing from their quorums. Finally, they could immediately remove 'so assist me God' in their oaths.

Well, that should brand them and so much more powerful, correct? What they didn't consider is Americans are start to come across their un-Godliness for what it really is and don't similar it.

Americans are demanding a return to the old means of life where nosotros lived in peace, tranquility, and beloved. A fourth dimension when nosotros loved one some other, wanted the best for anybody, and worked hard to make our lives better for the next generations.

Today's Democrats are lost. They are wandering in the wilderness falsely believing they have the only path to nirvana!

With President Trump exposing the Democrat motives and goals every twenty-four hour period, America is seeing how the DC sausage is being fabricated and we don't similar it.

What Nancy Pelosi and her ilk don't empathize is that being a Patriot ways continuing 'up' for America – non tearing Her downwardly! They can't even understand that scenario.

For Democrats, it'south now left is correct, white is blackness, citizens are scum, and illegal aliens are their savior. Money and power are all that matters.

Democrats are going to have to come up to the reality their schemes of making themselves wealthy at the expense of human lives is not going to exist a winning plan for America or themselves.

Promoting kid sex trafficking, sex slavery, and illegal drugs is non going to be their winning strategies – regardless of how many millions they pocket.

No matter how many times Democrats vote to kick God from their political party, there volition come a day of reckoning. When that day arrives, they are not going to exist so emboldened and arrogant.

We must recognize Democrats for who and what they are: liars, losers, anti-American, anti-God, and the earth's largest hate group. Patriots must support our President, Donald J. Trump, and begin the process of cleansing America from this insane and deadly disease known as the Democrat Party.

Romans 14:eight-14 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether nosotros die, we die unto the Lord: whether nosotros live therefore, or dice, we are the Lord's (no one escapes or hides from the eventual realities). For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living (offers eternal life). But why dost thou judge thy blood brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy blood brother (despise, malign, false witness)? for we shall all stand up before the judgment seat of Christ (there will exist a judgement twenty-four hours to account for our actions).

For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee (non just some) shall bow to me, and every natural language shall confess to God. So so every one of us shall give business relationship of himself to God. Let the states not therefore approximate one some other any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in his blood brother's (humanity) style.

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Source: https://www.conservativedailynews.com/2019/09/why-is-america-allowing-democrat-insanity/

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