In What Times of Year Are Tropical Cyclones Most Likely to Form?

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Tropical Cyclone Climatology

  • Overview
  • Atlantic & Eastern Pacific
  • Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Activity
  • Origins past ten-day Period
  • Origins & Tracks by Month
  • Loftier Resolution History Maps
  • Named Cyclones by Twelvemonth
  • U.Due south. Hurricane Return Periods
  • CONUS Hurricane Strikes
  • Central Pacific Climatology


A tropical cyclone is a rotating, organized system of clouds and thunderstorms that originates over tropical or subtropical waters and has a closed depression-level circulation. Tropical cyclones rotate counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. They are classified equally follows:

  • Tropical Low: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 38 mph (33 knots) or less.
  • Tropical Tempest: A tropical whirlwind with maximum sustained winds of 39 to 73 mph (34 to 63 knots).
  • Hurricane: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 74 mph (64 knots) or higher. In the western North Pacific, hurricanes are chosen typhoons; similar storms in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific Ocean are called cyclones.
  • Major Hurricane: A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained winds of 111 mph (96 knots) or higher, corresponding to a Category 3, four or v on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Calibration.

Tropical cyclones forming between 5 and 30 degrees North latitude typically motion toward the w. Sometimes the winds in the middle and upper levels of the atmosphere change and steer the whirlwind toward the north and northwest. When tropical cyclones reach latitudes near 30 degrees North, they oftentimes motion northeast.

Tropical Cyclone formation regions with mean tracks (courtesy of the NWS JetStream Online Schoolhouse)

Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Hurricane Flavor Normal Activity

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June ane to November 30. The Atlantic bowl includes the Atlantic Sea, Caribbean area Body of water, and Gulf of United mexican states. Based on a xxx-yr climate menstruation from 1991 to 2020, an boilerplate Atlantic hurricane flavour has 14 named storms, seven hurricanes, and 3 major hurricanes (Category 3, four, or five on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Calibration). The outset named storm typically forms in mid to belatedly June, the get-go hurricane tends to form in early to mid-Baronial, and the first major hurricane forms in tardily August or early September.

The eastern Pacific hurricane season runs from May 15 to Nov 30. The eastern Pacific basin extends from Mexico and Cardinal America westward to 140°W. Based on a 30-year climate period from 1991 to 2020, an boilerplate eastern Pacific hurricane season has fifteen named storms, 8 hurricanes, and 4 major hurricanes. The first named storm typically forms in early to mid-June, the first hurricane tends to form in late June, and the offset major hurricane forms in mid-July.

The following tables describe the progress of typical hurricane seasons in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific basins by showing criterion dates when a given number of named storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes typically forms. It is of import to notation, nevertheless, that formation dates in individual hurricane seasons could vary considerably from these boilerplate dates.

Table 1. Progress of the average Atlantic season (1991-2020). Date upon which the following number of events would normally have occurred.
Number Named systems Hurricanes Major Hurricanes
1 Jun 20 Aug 11 Sep ane
2 Jul 17 Aug 26 Sep 19
3 Aug 3 Sep 7 Oct 28
four Aug fifteen Sep sixteen -
5 Aug 22 Sep 28 -
6 Aug 29 Oct 15 -
7 Sep 3 Nov 15 -
viii Sep ix - -
9 Sep 16 - -
10 Sep 22 - -
11 Oct 2 - -
12 Oct 11 - -
13 Oct 25 - -
14 Nov xix - -
Table two. Progress of the average eastern Pacific flavour (1991-2020). Date upon which the following number of events would normally accept occurred.
Number Named systems Hurricanes Major Hurricanes
1 Jun ten Jun 26 Jul 15
ii Jun 24 Jul fifteen Aug 15
3 Jul vi Jul 31 Sep 13
iv Jul 15 Aug 16 October 22
five Jul 23 Aug 31 -
half dozen Aug 3 Sep 15 -
7 Aug eleven Sep 28 -
8 Aug 21 Oct 23 -
nine Aug 28 - -
x Sep 4 - -
xi Sep 14 - -
12 Sep 21 - -
13 October ii - -
14 Oct fifteen - -
15 Nov 5 - -

Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Action

Atlantic Peak Of Season

Pacific Peak Of Season

These charts show the amount of tropical cyclone activity, in terms of named storms and hurricanes, that occurs in the Atlantic and eastward Pacific basins on each calendar day between May 1 and Dec 31. Specifically, they show the number of hurricanes (yellowish area), and combined named storms and hurricanes (blood-red expanse) that occur on each agenda 24-hour interval over a 100-twelvemonth period. The information accept been smoothed using a five-day running boilerplate centered on each calendar mean solar day. For the Atlantic basin (the Atlantic Body of water, the Caribbean area Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico), the chart is based on data from the 77-twelvemonth menses from 1944 to 2020 (starting at the beginning of the aircraft reconnaissance era) but normalized to 100 years. The official hurricane season for the Atlantic basin is from June 1 to Nov 30, just tropical cyclone activity sometimes occurs before and later these dates, respectively. The elevation of the Atlantic hurricane season is September x, with most activity occurring between mid-August and mid-October. For the eastern Pacific basin, the analyses are based on data from the 50-twelvemonth period from 1971 to 2020 (starting when there was reliable satellite imagery) simply likewise normalized to 100 years. The official hurricane season for the eastern Pacific basin is from May 15 to November 30, merely tropical cyclones occasionally occur before and after these dates, respectively. A acme in activity is noted in late August, just this peak is less pronounced than the elevation in Atlantic activity. Relatively high levels of activity in the eastern Pacific tend to be spread out over a longer portion of the season than in the Atlantic, with most tropical cyclones occurring between late June and early on October.

Points of Origin by 10-Day Menstruation

The figures beneath prove the points of tropical cyclone genesis by ten-day periods during the hurricane season. These figures describe named storms but. The source years include 1851-2015 for the Atlantic and 1949-2015 for the Eastern Pacific from the HURDAT database.

 May 1-10 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 May 11-20 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 May 21-31 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 June 1-10 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 June 11-20 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 June 21-30 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 July 1-10 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 July 11-20 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 July 21-31 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 August 1-10 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 August 11-20 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 August 21-31 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 September 1-10 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 September 11-20 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 September 21-30 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 October 1-10 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 October 11-20 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 October 21-31 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 November 1-10 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 November 11-20 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

 November 21-30 Tropical Cyclone Genesis Climatology

Typical Tropical Cyclone Occurrence Areas by Month

These maps show where tropical cyclones (named storms and hurricanes) tend to occur during each month of the hurricane season. The data are shown as the number of named storms or hurricanes whose centers pass within 150 nautical miles of a point on the map during a 100-year flow. For the Atlantic basin, the analyses are based on data from the 77-year flow from 1944 to 2020 (starting at the beginning of the aircraft reconnaissance era) but normalized to 100 years. For the eastern and central Pacific basins, the analyses are based on information from the 50-year period from 1971 to 2020 (starting when there was reliable satellite imagery) but besides normalized to 100 years. Delight note that the map legends vary from basin to basin and between named storms and hurricanes (merely non between months) in guild to make climatological patterns more apparent.

Atlantic Named Storms

Atlantic Hurricanes

June TC Climatology

June Hurricane Climatology

July TC Climatology

July Hurricane Climatology

August TC Climatology

August Hurricane Climatology

September TC Climatology

September Hurricane Climatology

October TC Climatology

October Hurricane Climatology

November TC Climatology

November Hurricane Climatology

Eastern and Key Pacific Named Storms

Eastern and Central Pacific Hurricanes

June TC Climatology

June Hurricane Climatology

July TC Climatology

July Hurricane Climatology

August TC Climatology

August Hurricane Climatology

September TC Climatology

September Hurricane Climatology

October TC Climatology

October Hurricane Climatology

November TC Climatology

November Hurricane Climatology

Central Pacific Named Storms

Primal Pacific Hurricanes

June TC Climatology

June Hurricane Climatology

July TC Climatology

July Hurricane Climatology

August TC Climatology

August Hurricane Climatology

September TC Climatology

September Hurricane Climatology

October TC Climatology

October Hurricane Climatology

November TC Climatology

November Hurricane Climatology

High Resolution History Maps

[Tropical Cyclone History Map for Atlantic and Eastern Pacific]
All Due north Atlantic and Eastern Northward Pacific tropical cyclones

Named Cyclones by Year

[Graph of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Atlantic Basin]
Bars depict number of named systems (yellow), hurricanes (red), and category three or greater (majestic), 1850-2014
Download hires image
Download table of data (PDF)

Hurricane Return Periods

Hurricane return periods are the frequency at which a certain intensity of hurricane tin can be expected within a given altitude of a given location (for the below images 50 nm or 58 statute miles). In simpler terms, a return period of 20 years for a major hurricane means that on average during the previous 100 years, a Category 3 or greater hurricane passed within 50 nm (58 miles) of that location about v times. We would then expect, on average, an additional five Category iii or greater hurricanes inside that radius over the next 100 years.

More information on render periods can be found from NOAA Technical Memorandum NWS NHC 38 (pdf) on the NHC Adventure Analysis Program (HURISK).

Note: The information on render flow is generated with the 1987 HURISK programme, merely uses information through 2010.

[Map of return period in years for hurricanes passing within 50 nautical miles]
Estimated render period in years for hurricanes passing
within 50 nautical miles of diverse locations on the U.S. Coast

[Map of return period in years for major hurricanes passing within 50 nautical miles]
Estimated return flow in years for major hurricanes passing
within 50 nautical miles of diverse locations on the U.S. Declension

CONUS Hurricane Strikes

[Map of 1950-2021 CONUS Hurricane Strikes]
1950-2021 CONUS Hurricane Strikes (Courtesy of NCEI)

CONUS Hurricane Strike Density (county maps)

[Map of 1900-2010 Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes]
1900-2010 U.Due south. Hurricane Strikes

[Map of 1900-2010 Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes (West Gulf)]
1900-2010 U.South. Hurricane Strikes - W Gulf

[Map of 1900-2010 Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes (East Gulf)]
1900-2010 U.Southward. Hurricane Strikes - East Gulf

[Map of 1900-2010 Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes (Southeast)]
1900-2010 U.S. Hurricane Strikes - Southeast

[Map of 1900-2010 Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes (Northeast)]
1900-2010 U.Southward. Hurricane Strikes - Northeast

[Map of 1900-2010 Major Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes]
1900-2010 U.Due south. Major Hurricane Strikes

[Map of 1900-2010 Major Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes (West Gulf)]
1900-2010 U.South. Major Hurricane Strikes - Westward Gulf

[Map of 1900-2010 Major Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes (East Gulf)]
1900-2010 U.Due south. Major Hurricane Strikes - E Gulf

[Map of 1900-2010 Major Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes (Southeast)]
1900-2010 U.South. Major Hurricane Strikes - Southeast

[Map of 1900-2010 Major Hurricane Strikes by U.S. counties/parishes (Northeast)]
1900-2010 U.Southward. Major Hurricane Strikes - Northeast

Central Pacific Climatology

The post-obit graphs and charts describe some of the climatology of tropical cyclone activity in the area served past the Central Pacific Hurricane Center, between 140 degrees West longitude and the International Appointment Line and north of the equator.

Many factors bear on the level of tropical whirlwind activeness from twelvemonth to year. Among them are the state of the El Nino Southern Oscillation in the Pacific. Moderate to strong El Nino years are correlated with increased tropical cyclone activity in the Key Pacific and the occurrence of late flavor storms.

Continuous satellite coverage has been available in the Central Pacific since 1971 then many climatologies start with that date.Earlier accounts of tropical cyclone activity are based on state, ship, and aircraft observations as well as some non-continuous satellite information.

Hurricane Flavour Climatology Central Pacific (1971-2008)

Hurricanes Tropical Storms Tropical Depressions Total
Total Number 58 46 59 163
Percent of All Systems 36% 28% 36%

Tropical Cyclones in the Primal Pacific Past Twelvemonth

Central Pacific Tropical Cyclones per year from 1971 to 2013

Tropical Cyclones in the Central Pacific By Month

Central Pacific Tropical Cyclones per month from 1971 to 2013

The following charts show the storms that take come within 200 miles and 75 miles of Hawaii. Storms that practise not brand landfall in Hawaii can still crusade considerable damage, mostly from winds and surf.

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes Passing within 200 Miles of Hawaii since 1950

Tropical Storms and Hurricanes Passing within 75 Miles of Hawaii since 1950


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